It is our policy that all children wear Gisburn Road Community Primary School’s official uniform when attending school or when representing the school in an organised event outside normal school hours.
As well as being practical and smart, we believe that a sensible uniform policy will reinforce a positive learning environment as well as promote a unified school, community spirit and inspire a sense of pride in our school.
Uniform items
We require all pupils to wear our school uniform, which consists of:
- White polo shirt or blouse
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan
- Tartan skirt, tartan pinafore or grey trousers
- Grey/white/red/black socks or tights
- Black shoes
- Pupils with longer hair should wear it tied back

- White polo shirt or shirt
- Red sweatshirt
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Grey or black socks
- Black shoes
- Pupils with longer hair should wear it tied back

PE kit
White PE T-Shirt
Black Shorts
Black pumps

Juniors only
- Waterproof rain jacket/Warm hoodie (any colour)
- T-Shirt
- Tracksuit bottoms (Not shorts!)
- Warm socks
- Trainers (Not pumps!)
- Warm hat
- Gloves

PE kit is hung on the child's peg at school. Storage and cloakroom space is limited, so we politely request that parents ensure their children's PE kit bags are small and unobtrusive. The draw string bags are ideal with your child’s name on it.
Juniors only
- Towel
- Swimming cap (if your child has long hair) - optional
- Goggles
- Girls: one-piece costume
- Boys: swimming trunks (not shorts)
All uniform is available with the Gisburn Road School logo embroidered on it
Uniform is available to purchase from the following places:
- Skip to School
Water Street, Skipton, BD23 1PB 01756 229002 - myclothing.com
For Health and Safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school with the exception of a small pair of stud earrings and small objects of religious significance.
However, we do ask children to remove these objects prior to a P.E lesson or cover them with a plaster to prevent injury to your child or another child.
For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school, with an exception being made for small earring studs in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance.
However, we do ask the children to either remove these objects during PE and games or cover them with a plaster to prevent any potential injuries from occurring.
Extreme hair cuts
We do not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts which could serve as a distraction to other pupils. Hairstyles such as patterns shaved into the hair or mohican style crest are deemed as inappropriate for school.
Lost Property
Please ensure ALL items of clothing are labelled clearly with your child’s full name. If any items are lost we will endeavour to return it to the correct child. Otherwise items can be found in the Lost Property box.For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school, with an exception being made for small earring studs in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance. However, we do ask the children to either remove these objects during PE and games or cover them with a plaster to prevent any potential injuries from occurring.
We ask all parents to support our school uniform policy and ensure that each child is sent to school dressed appropriately in smart attire for the day of learning ahead.
Good condition school uniform items that are no longer required can be donated to school and the items will be available to purchase for a small amount of money from the various school fairs held throughout the year. The money from such sales will be contributed to our school funds.