Reading award
We are working towards our silver level reading award
This year as a school we are working towards a silver level reading award through ‘One education’. This award focuses on decoding, understanding and reading for enjoyment.
Reading is taught well at School but as part of our journey from Good to Outstanding we wanted to be the best we could be and inspire all our children to be life- long readers. Reading inspires writing, imagination and is an essential skill needed for life.
What can parents do to help?
Reading for enjoyment starts at home and we are asking parents to continue sharing stories, asking questions about what their child is reading and encouraging a variety of text types eg magazines, annuals, factual books and narrative. This reading award will be evaluated and judged in November 2017.
School Games Mark
In the summer of 2018 we gained the Gold Level for the School Games Mark and maintained it in 2019
Our vision for sport at Gisburn Road School is to achieve sporting excellence.
We aim to have many different after school sport clubs and teams where we can compete against other local and county schools. We are driven by our school values of perseverance, respect and kindness and understand to achieve sporting excellence takes practise.
School Games Mark is directly linked to a schools engagement in the School Games. This needs to reflect a broad and balanced offer that actively encourages those young people that aren’t currently engaged or who are engaged less often. This isn’t about provision for a small cohort of young people but needs to consider ALL the school’s population.

What we have to do for Gold
Increasing Engagement in School Games
- Provide all students with two hours of timetabled Physical Education per week (within the curriculum only) and have extra curriculum provision inclusive of physical activity in addition to this – applicable to years 3-11 only.
- Engage at least 50% of pupils (20% for special schools/PRUs) in extracurricular sporting and physical activity every week – applicable to years 3 -11 only.
- Over the course of the academic year, have targeted provision for those least active young people in your school and a minimum take up of at least 15% from those identified as least
active at the start of the academic year. This take up needs to be sustained over a term – applicable to years 3 -11 only.
Developing Competitive Opportunities
- Use the School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in the appropriate level of competition.
- Use the School Games formats to provide the opportunity through inter-school competition (Level 2) for both boys and girls to take part in B and C team standard competition.
- Promote the School Games inclusive of physical activity to parents and the local community at least once a fortnight using newsletters, website, social media and local press.
Workforce – Broadening The Range Of Opportunities
- Every young person is provided the opportunity to learn to lead through curriculum PE as part of the lesson structure.
- Engage a representative group of students in leading, managing and officiating in School Games activity. (15% for schools/special schools and 6% for FE/PRUs)
- Have a School Sport Organising Committee or Crew in place that influences provision.
- Utilise sports coaches, volunteers or other providers to support school sport and physical activity delivery that complements your School Games Organiser’s (SGO) provision.
- Primary Only – have completed the self review tool (Activity Heatmap) on and can demonstrate some of the principles of an active school.
- Have active links with at least five local community and pathways sport/physical activity and leisure providers e.g. sport clubs, leisure centres, youth centres etc (two for special schools/N/A for PRUs) where the link is a signposting function (posters/assemblies etc) including of two (N/A Special Schools and PRUs) where the relationship is about the provider delivering taster sessions on site or the school/educational institute is a partner host site for the activity and young people are actively engaged to attend. Simply letting your facility to a club does not constitute a link.
Increasing and Sustaining Participation
- Train and engage wider school staff in the delivery of school sport and physical activity.
What we did to achieve Gold
Spread the Happiness Award
Spreading happiness throughout all of our school
In order to take part in the Spread the Happiness award we had to state in just one sentence why we should be chosen to take part. Our sentence was:
‘Our school moto is Dream it... Believe it... Achieve it! and that is what we aim to do, within all aspects of our school life and family’.
This sentence gained us one of the few winning places to take part in the 27 day accelerator challenge, which started on Monday 9th January 2017 for Preschool, Reception and Year 1. During this time we had to complete a different challenge set by Shonette Bason-Wood every day, then provide evidence that we had completed each task. After the month of spreading happiness we received notification that we had completed the award and were presented with certificates and the new team logo which you will now see on the bottom of our letters.
Check out the display in the infant hall for the list and photographs of all the different things we did. We are going to be continuing spreading happiness throughout all of our school, so watch this space!