Results and Data

Early Years Foundation Stage

% of pupils achieving a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) 73.3% 68%

Phonics Screening Check

% of Year 1 pupils passing the phonics screening check 83% 80%
% of Year 2 pupils passing the phonics screening check 33.3% (Retake in Year 2)

Y4 Multiplication Tables Check

% of pupils scoring full marks (25/25) 11% 29%
Average score (out of 25) 18 20.6

Key Stage 2 SATs

National Curriculum assessment usually refers to the statutory assessments carried out in primary schools in England, colloquially known as SATs.

The assessments are made up of a combination of testing and teacher assessment judgements, and are used in all government-funded primary schools in England to assess the attainment of pupils against the programmes of study of the National Curriculum at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2, when most pupils are aged 7 and 11 respectively.


These figures tell you about performance of pupils at this school during the last four years of the primary phase of education. These figures relate to pupils who completed key stage 2 in the summer of each year:

% of pupils achieving the expected standard

Combined reading, writing TA and mathematics 52% 61%
Reading 68% 74%
Writing 68% 72%
Mathematics 68% 73%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 68% 72%

% of pupils achieving greater depth

Reading 16% 28%
Writing 3% 12%
Mathematics 13% 23%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 26% 31%

SATs are marked externally and the results sent to schools. Before the end of the summer term, your child’s school will send you a report. The report will include test results and teacher assessment judgements. Your child’s teacher forms the teacher assessment judgements. They judge what your child has achieved in maths, reading, writing and science at the end of year 6.

Together, these tests and assessments should provide you with a good sense of the standard that your child is working at in these subjects.

Children take tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling in May.

You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area.

You can check:

  • exam and test results
  • financial information
  • Ofsted reports