Special Educational Needs and Disability
At Gisburn Road School we aspire for all pupils to be included in the curriculum and that learning in all areas is adapted and made possible for every child. We aim for the children and families to feel supported work together as a team in the best interests of the child. We believe it is important for the children to be equipped with all the skills they need to become confident, independent learners regardless of their needs or disabilities.
Through our high-quality planning, teaching and provision we:
- Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning.
- Pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximized.
- Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.
• Develop children’s independence and life skills. - Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centred approach.
- Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND.
- Work in partnership with parents and carers.
- Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to improve and develop our provision for children with SEND
Our school SENDCo is Mrs Whittaker - please contact our office team if you would like to speak to her.
Lancashire County Council also provide more information regarding special educational needs and disability.
Local Offer
Gisburn Road Primary School opened in 1907. There is a Preschool class which offers part time places. The school has one class per year group. Gisburn Road Children's Centre services operate from a separate part of the campus but we are one organisation. Children's Centre services are available from the onset of pregnancy and throughout the child's early years.
SEND Policy
We have a strong commitment to inclusion for all children and will make adjustments to both the curriculum and the environment in order to enable children with a disability and those with additional and Special Educational Needs to fulfil their potential. Every child attending Gisburn Road Primary School has a named Key Person or Class Teacher and all staff have a duty to support the needs of children with SEND.