Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Meeting
Dear Parents/Carers
At Gisburn Road we have been taking part in a project to help support all children but in particular those with additional needs including those with neurodiversity. We have looked at our environment and practical ways to support children in class. As part of this project you as parents/guardians are being invited in to share ideas and suggestions for ways to improve the support further. We would really like to hear your views. Please see below detailed information about the meeting. Please click on the link to let us know you are coming so we can cater for the right number of people.
Following on from the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) survey you might have completed a while ago, we would like to invite you to meet with us because your school is taking part in the PINS programme which is working to improve support for children with additional needs.
We are members of Lancashire Parent Carer Forum and are all parent carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who need extra or different help than most other children their age.
The meeting is for all parents or carers with children who need this extra or different help. Your child does not need a diagnosis or an Education Health and Care Plan. We want to make sure your voice is heard by your school and work with your school to improve support for your children.
The meeting will be held on Friday 7th March 2025 at 2pm in the Children’s Centre.
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours sincerely,
Miranda Hyman LPCF